Dealing with the financial impact of being out of work

Today, many people in Indonesia have a financial struggle because out of work as a result of COVID-19. If you have lost your job recently, it is time to restructure your finances. This will help you to manage your saving money while you look for another job.

What you can do

Check your amount of money in the bank

Find out your saving money in the bank and make sure your total amount is enough for months. You have to consider using it to shopping or to support your life during the pandemic. It's time to put limits on yourself when it comes to shopping for secondary needs. For example, as usual, you can buy clothes or fashion items in large quantities, so at the moment you can’t buy them. You have to consider whether this is a primary need or just a wish. You can also learn more about managing your finances before the pandemic and during the pandemic.

Draw up a budget

A budget can help you work out how much money you’ll need to cover costs while you being unemployed. If you need help getting started, please check out a money planner to encourage your plan. You would have found a free financial planner on social media.

Consider having a side job

A side job is one of the solutions while you are unemployed and during look another job. You will have found advantages for a side job. In addition, you would have spare money to support your life.

Things to remember

Losing your job can be distressing, especially given the current angst caused by the coronavirus. However, try to remember it is not about you. You deserve to be happy, and you have the best mental health to stay positive thinking.

Advantages and disadvantages of youth association

Most people today have concerns with their kids, actually, with the youth associations. A youth association is a group of young people who have their own goals. As usual, they consist of 5 or more people within the group and, they have a discussion about trends topics on social media. I think they are both advantages and disadvantages of having a group or become a member of a youth association.

The first advantages become a member of a youth association is that we can talk about anything feels free and discusses main topics on social media. Do you know talking with friends is more effective because you have a similar opinion? For example, at the same age, they will have topics about K-Pop or new applications on social media, like reels on Instagram. Secondly, a youth association can support their member in doing something such as a positive thing. In addition, when one of the members is in a hard situation they decide to help them.

On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages of a youth association. Firstly, they would be doing something rude. For instance, they will become thieves, drug dealers, or other criminal activities. Secondly, they will decide to be homeless because want to become free without rules from their parents. For example, teenagers live alone in the city but in fact, they don't have enough money to spend their life.

In conclusion, for parents please watch your kids, actually teenagers, and give them reasons about a youth association. Give them examples and some ideas to make sure your kids understand why you concern about the group.

Bagus Gak sih Produk Skincare dari Berl Cosmetics?

Hei, welcome to my blog, and enjoy your activities!

Ngobrolin atau ngebahas soal skincare memang perkara yang gak semua orang sepakat. Misalnya membehas salah satu brand terkemuka yang paling banyak digunakan oleh influencer, tapi waktu kita coba malah gak cocok. Dengan begitu akan ada statement yang kurang enak didengar seperti "ah, gw pake itu gak cocok malah jerawatan, minyak berlebih, kulit kering" atau opini lainnya. Seperti yang kita tahu kulit manusia masing-masing berbeda mulai dari tekstur, jenis kulit, hingga produk yang cocok untuk digunakan. Alih-alih mau wajah cantik, mulus, kinclong bak boneka porselen malah jadi wajah aspal. Ada beberapa tips yang perlu banget kalian pahami sebelum membeli skincare, ini salah satu pengalaman pribadi juga.

1. Kenali Jenis Kulit

Bagaimana cara mengenal jenis kulit kita? Kamu bisa pergi ke klinik kecantikan untuk check aja gimana kondisi kulit. Bahkan kamu bisa mengenali jenis kulit pada saat bangun tidur. Seperti pengalamanku sendiri selalu lihat kondisi kulit dipagi hari. Apakah cenderung kering atau berminyak. Kalau wajah lebih terlihat lembab berarti jenis kulit kamu normal, kalau berminyak berarti jenisnya berminyak, begitu juga kalau kulit kamu kering.

2. Pilih Skincare yang Tepat

Milih-milih skincare ini momen paling pusing buat aku, karena aku masih mencari skincare yang tepat. Karena aku sudah mengenali jenis kulit jadi sekarang serasa gampang aja memilih skincare. Aku harus tahu kandungan bahan apa aja yang terdapat di dalam skincare. Jangan sampai mengandung jenis bahan kimia yang kulit kamu tidak menerimanya dengan baik. Alhasil kulit kamu malah memerah, iritasi, atau bahkan berjerawat sampai meradang.

3. Jangan Tergiur Harga

Semakin ke depan maka antusias masyarakat memiliki wajah kinclong mulai menggebu-gebu. Ada baiknya untuk jangan sampai tergiur harga murah demi mendapatkan wajah cantik glowing. Kamu dapat mencoba skincare yang memiliki review bagus dan tentunya harga paling terjangkau. Seperti skincare yang lagi aku pakai ini.

Beberapa tips di atas dapat kamu coba untuk mengenali jenis kulit sebelum membeli skincare. Karena aku sudah tahu jenis kulit yang ku miliki, akhirnya aku memilih Berl skincare yang whitening series. Satu paket terdiri dari facial wash, toner, krim pagi dan krim malam. Semua series ini ampuh untuk menghilangkan noda hitam di wajah secara perlahan. Aku sudah pakai Berl skincare ini selama dua minggu dan perlahan hasilnya terlihat. Terutama untuk kulit jauh lebih lembab, lembut, cerah, dan noda hitam bekas jerawat mulai memudar. Salah satu skincare yang cocok untuk digunakan. By the way, jenis kulit aku ini normal sedikit kering jadi waktu pertama pakai ya biasa aja, lama-lama terlihat hasil seperti yang aku mau. Untuk harga berapa nih? Aku bisa bilang harganya murah karena hasilnya bagus! Jujur beli sekali emang worth it banget, harga satu set Rp 325.000 kalau gak salah inget ya hehehe

Kamu bisa lihat harga di beberapa marketplace tapi aku menyarankan untuk membelinya di member resmi dari Berl Cosmetics, karena kualitas produk sudah terjamin resmi langsung dari kantor Berl Cosmetics dan harga sangat terjangkau. Paling terpenting adalah FREE ONGKOS KIRIM, mantappu jiwa! Eeeits! Bukan berarti aku melarang kalian untuk beli di marketplace, hanya menyarankan saja koq kamu bebas mau beli di mana saja asal harus kritis bertanya kapan expired-nya itu penting banget ditanya. Kebiasaan dari kita adalah kurangnya bertanya tentang si skincare atau cosmetics.

Oke deh kayaknya cukup sekian penjelasan yang bisa aku kasih untuk kalian semua. Buat yang masih nyari skincare dan melalui trial and error coba deh pakai Berl skincare ini ada beberapa side effect buat kamu yang sebelumnya pakai krim racik, mungkin kulit akan terasa agak memerah, namun jangan khawatir lambat laun kulit akan diperbaiki perlahan. Tentunya kamu juga harus sabar banget, extra sabar karena kulit butuh proses, sama kayak hati kamu yang terluka butuh proses untuk menyembuhkannya cieeee...

Talk Active! Part 1

Hei, welcome to my blog, and enjoy your activities!

When I was thinking about my blog, I'm decided to write some article about my activities when I arrived in Melbourne. But currently, I am still stuck in Indonesia and couldn't return to Melbourne because the border is still closed. So I am studying online during the border closed and waiting until the border reopens.

I know it's hardest for me because currently, the pandemic isn't over yet. How about in your country? Please answer in the comment box. I hope the condition back to normal. I knew you missed your family, partner, or parents. Luckily, we have smartphones and we're used to video calls with them. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Sometimes I'm feeling grateful because I'm here with my parents. So many issues in the world about anything. It must make you depressed and impatient. It's okay if you had feelings like that, but we must be optimistic. 

Okay, I think it's enough, stays safe and stay healthy where you are staying at the moment. Bye, thank you!